Current LaserDiagnosticsSoftware

The LaserDiagnosticsSoftware is compatible with the following devices:
- all models of the "+"-generation
- CompactPowerMonitor CPM (optional)
- Cube, Cube M, Cube L, L1
- OpticsQualityMonitor OQM
- PowerMeasuringCassette PMC, PMC-C
- PowerMonitor PM (from firmware 2.52 upwards), EC-PM
- ScanFieldMonitor SFM
For more information or your individual download link please get in touch with your PRIMES contact.
LaserDiagnosticsSoftware v2.98 (last release april 11, 2019)

The LaserDiagnosticsSoftware v2.98 is compatible with the following models:
- BeamControlSystem BCS
- BeamMonitor BM, BM-HQ
- FocusMonitor FM, FMW
- FocusParameterMonitor (optional)
- HighPower-MicroSpotMonitor HP-MSM
- HighPower-MSM-HighBrilliance HP-MSM-HB
- HighPower-MSM-Industry HP-MSM-I
- LaserQualityMonitor LQM
- MicroSpotMonitor MSM
- MicroSpotMonitor-Compact MSM-C
The PowerMonitorSoftware is compatible with the following models:
- CompactPowerMonitor CPM
- PowerMonitor PM, EC-PM
- PowerLossMonitor PLM
Cube App